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IV Infusion Services

Vitamins and nutrients delivered directly into your blood stream via an intravenous catheter.


Our infusion mixes are titled accordingly to best guide your decision on which infusion best fits your needs.


If you are looking for the one infusion that fits all - choose our namesake infusion the M.I.D. - it has every ingredient we offer.


If you need help deciding which infusion is best, please contact us and our team members will discuss the best possible protocol to support your needs and goals.

The M.I.D. Infusion


This is our all-encompassing infusion. It includes all of the micronutrients needed for cellular regeneration and maintenance.

The M.I.D. Infusion is designed to increase vitality on a day-to-day basis, and support your long term health.

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Targeted Infusions


Whatever your goals or health circumstances, we can help. Targeted Infusion appointments can be guided by a consultation with one of our team members to discuss the best possible protocol to support your needs and goals. See the list below.

Click on each infusion for detailed information:

Allergy Relief and Prevention
Athletic Performance and Recovery
Auto-Immune Disease Support
Cognition Enhancement 
Energy Boost
Fibromyalgia - Pain and Energy Support
GI Health and Healing
Immune Defense
Mental Health Support

Post-Viral Syndrome Support
Skin, Hair & Nail Health
Skin Healing
Surgery Pre-op and Post-op


NAD+ Infusions

$300 & $500

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide is a micronutrient that is produced naturally by the body and is essential for the mitochondria in your cells.  This micro-nutrient is found in every cell in our body, but it decreases as we age.  Consistent replenishment of NAD+ via IV infusion is the best and most effective way to support your mitochondria - which in turn will help increase overall energy and decrease signs and symptoms of aging.

We offer 250 and 500mg infusions.

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Active Ailment Infusions


When you aren't feeling your best - we have a solution! Our Active Ailment Infusions include everything you need to feel better. See the list below.

Click on each infusion for detailed information:

Active Illness
Pain Relief


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